Heading to the land of…

swiss cheese, swiss chocolates, swatches, swiss knives and of course Roger Federer…so if I slack off a couple days, be patient with me. A European trip of any kind requires meticulous planning, not to mention complete pre-immersion in said trip. Luckily, I speak French so I won’t be completely lost in the land with four […]

Life changes and a few words

Someone once told me if you want something, you have to go after it hard. You have to give it everything inside of you, otherwise, it’s not something you really want. Ok, I just made the last part up. But the first part’s true. The problem is that it’s no cake-walk. I ask myself, why […]

Book Review: Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

“None who enter will leave unchanged.” Written for middle-graders, aged 9-12, Fablehaven was pretty interesting.  This novel was a fun, great adventure about fairies, imps, witches, and all manner of fabled creatures. Thirteen year old Kendra and her eleven year old brother Seth are forced to spend some time with their eccentric grandfather when their […]

New Novel Update

The new novel went out to its first test reader after weeks of self-editing. As most of you would-be writers already know, this is very arduous task that can go against every emotional bone in your body because you are, after all, editing yourself. It’s as if you were a plastic surgeon staring at yourself […]

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