That “slice and dice” title doesn’t mean me or someone else, thank goodness. But it does mean that I have finally heard back from my agent after about four weeks on the manuscript (see last post – Nonstop Manuscript Editing). So basically what we are looking at is another round of editing before we go […]
Just a quick note that I’ve finished my last round of edits on my manuscript, following some notes/comments from an editor (formerly of Harper Collins). I’ve just submitted it to my agent for review, and we will see what the next steps are. Looking to submission in January! Woo hoo!
So you paid $400 to attend a 3 day writers’ conference. Now what? I’ve been to a few of these conferences, and I’ve learned a couple things. If approached properly, it can be a solid investment you can make in building your writing career. That said, you have to be prepared to talk about your […]
I am thrilled to report that my new agent is Marly Rusoff of Marly Rusoff & Associates, Inc. Hurrah!!! I look forward to working with Marly on Bloodspell and hopefully, many, many other books!