National Novel Writing Month is in full swing, currently reporting a 828,682,775 collective word count on the NaNoWriMo website. Not bad for 11 days of manic writing. Ok, so maybe the “manic” part hasn’t really started – usually that’s when things start getting down to the wire. I’m pretty sure that the thought of penning […]
First of all, remember this is a process. If I told you it was going to be easy, I’d be lying. I was on the verge of giving up more than once. And even now, I’m still not there yet. Rejection is a part of the process, and a part of your eventual success. Stephen […]
First of all make sure that your novel is around 100,000 words. Publishers these days will not take on longer novels unless you’re J.K. Rowling. And agents – well that’s one of the first things they look for. Finally, even when you think it’s ready for submission to agents – edit, edit, edit. Don’t just […]