Bloodcraft Release Celebration & Kindle Fire Giveaway

Bloodcraft by Amalie Howard
Genre: Upper YA/NA (mature content), Fantasy
Publication: December 15th, 2015

All magic has its price, and no one knows that better than Victoria Warrick. Gifted with a centuries-old blood curse, Tori has finally learned to master her blood’s demands and has emerged triumphant with Christian Devereux, a vampire overlord, at her side.

But the worst is yet to come …

In the infamous City of Lights, home to both the Witch Clans and the Vampire Council, Tori enrolls at the exclusive Belles Fontaines school in Paris, where she is faced with a devastating choice: choose Christian and be an outcast, or choose the coven and secure her place with the witches.

When the fate of the supernatural world is targeted by a sinister new threat, Christian and Victoria must unite their two warring species to defeat it. Their bond will be tested, twisted, and sorely weakened, and Tori will find herself in uncharted territory—a dangerous place to be when her blood’s magic has its own dark agenda.

But to save them all, she may have no choice but to invoke its deadly power.


Amazon | Kobo | B&N


Book #1 – Bloodspell


for 99¢!


  • Kindle Fire giveaway is open to US residents due to shipping restrictions.
  • Paperback copies of BLOODSPELL & BLOODCRAFT are open to US and INT readers.
  • This giveaway is sponsored by Amalie Howard.
  • Leading up to the release of BLOODCRAFT, more entries/options will be added to the rafflecopter to double your chances!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 Comment on Bloodcraft Release Celebration & Kindle Fire Giveaway

  1. Judy Schechter
    December 5, 2015 at 1:44 pm (9 years ago)

    I have not had the pleasure of reading any of Amalie’s books yet, but I’m looking forward to! I love paranormal books because it’s fun to live vicariously through the characters with special powers!


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