Happy Book Birthday to ALPHA GODDESS!
It’s finally here!! Today is the release day for the INDIE NEXT nominated ALPHA GODDESS with Sky Pony Press! I couldn’t be more thrilled about this book and for you to read it!
“I was absolutely immersed in Sera’s world! Alpha Goddess is a fiery, gripping twist on a timeless love story. The rich mythology and exotic themes were beautifully imagined and unlike anything I’ve ever read before. Brilliantly dark and powerful. A must read!”
~ Colleen Houck, New York Times bestselling author of the Tiger’s Curse series.
“Howard’s Alpha Goddess is a breath of fresh air for any young adult fantasy fan. Sera’s adventures in discovering her parentage and her existence as the reincarnation of Lakshmi, one of the most powerful beings in the created universe, are exciting and interesting. Sera finds herself caught amid the battle between good and evil and must choose to take her place as the savior of the known world. Howard’s writing is excellent and her concept stands out among the flood of angel and demon fiction already populating the genre.”
~ Demi Marshall, Park Road Books, Charlotte, NC (INDIE NEXT nomination)
I want to take the opportunity to express my huge thanks to my rockstar agent–Liza Fleissig at the Liza Royce Agency–for getting this book into the hands of one of the most visionary editors ever. Julie Matysik of Sky Pony Press, you are amazing and I am so incredibly grateful to you! Thank you for taking a chance on this book that so many other editors deemed “too exotic” for the YA fiction market. You are a true champion of diversity in YA literature. Today would not be possible without either of you! THANK YOU!