The title of this blog post is meant in the “literary” way of course…metaphorically speaking, limbering up my brain, my vocabulary, my creativity, and physically, my typing fingers. The flow of inspiration is liquid these days, especially this past weekend, and I am very grateful. 5000 words into a new story has been liberating, and […]
I am guilty of not writing. I blog, I read, I’m even reading the Book Review in the New York Times. But I so have not been writing, and I really need to get back in the saddle. I think it’s because the new novel I am writing is more in the literary vein than […]
Spent most of the weekend editing the new novel, doing some fat -trimming, some word-thinning, and some plot-tightening. Fun. I’m planning to get it out to the first group of test readers in the next week or so. This is my fourth editing iteration so I’m hoping that it’s starting to look a little more […]
Hooray! New novel finished! At this point as per my last post, it’s still in Anne Lamott‘s words a “shitty first draft” but at least it is done. Now for the hard part…as in editing the “crap” out. At 107,000 words, it’s pretty lean as far as YA novels go these days, but that means […]
Although NaNoWriMo finished last November when my cumulative word totalĀ was a mere 36,880, I wanted to post an update. Just because NaNoWriMo finished in 30 days didn’t mean that I stopped writing (nor should you if you did try the 30 day challenge). Plus writing something else definitely helps with the waiting (see my […]
Final round of edits completed, and we are off to the races! My agent likes the changes we have made and is happy with the final result. Now we are going to go back to publishers after months of very hard work and see if we can get this book sold! Stay tuned for more […]