Amalie’s Happy Holiday Giveaway!

Well hello there friends! It’s December, and with it comes deliciously crisp cold weather and the beginning of a wonderful holiday season. This is probably my most favorite time of year! So to celebrate, I will be doing a Holiday Giveaway!

As most of you know, I grew up in Trinidad & Tobago where we celebrated Christmas, only it was never a white Christmas, just a green one. Still, despite the lack of snow, it was definitely one of the most festive times of the year! Parties, food, family, singing and dancing in true Caribbean style with brilliant color and bold flavor. We ate traditional ethnic holiday foods like pastelles (meat or veggie-filled corn cakes cooked in banana leaves) or black cake (a rich pudding-like cake with plums and raisins soaked in rum, derived from English plum pudding). We drank signature drinks like punch-a-creme (a creamy egg, milk and rum drink) and sorrel wine (a tart drink made from the red sepals of the Roselle or sorrel plant). We listened to parang (music brought to Trinidad by Venezuelan migrants with guitar and chac-chac instruments). Parang comes from the Spanish word parranda which means merrymaking. As you can imagine, each culture had its own contribution whether it was through food or music or dance, which made it an incredibly unique holiday celebration. In my experience, there’s nothing like a Trini Christmas anywhere else in the world!

All you have to do to enter my Happy Holiday Giveaway is to share one of your own favorite holiday memories or say what you like best about the holiday season. This giveaway will end on December 16, 2011.


FIRST PRIZE: One personalized signed copy of BLOODSPELL by moi with bookmark and triquetra charm, plus one signed copy of HAVEN by Kristi Cook (one of the few remaining FIRST EDITION hardcovers) with top secret MIRAGE (the terrific HAVEN sequel) SWAG, plus a $10 iTunes/iBooks gift card!

SECOND PRIZE: One signed copy of CARRIER OF THE MARK by Leigh Fallon (how gorgeous is this cover) with bookmark, plus awesome SIRENZ (by Natalie Zaman and Charlotte Bennardo) SWAG — the most fabulously cool bookmarks with feathers, business card from Hades himself, and chocolate in the form of red stilettos!


– You must be at least 13 years old to enter.

– Contest/Giveaway is open internationally (*Please note that gift card denomination will be in $US dollars).

– Winners will be randomly selected using, and will be notified via email.

– Winners have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.

– I reserve the right to extend/end/change this contest without any advanced notification, or to disqualify any entrant as I see fit.

– I am not responsible for any lost or damaged prizes sent via the postal service. No replacement will be provided.


TO ENTER (please complete ALL four):

1) Leave a comment below on your favorite part of the holiday season as well as your name & email address so you can be contacted if you win (or if you prefer, you can provide your email address via the contact form on this site)

2) “Like” the Bloodspell Page or the Bloodspell Facebook Fan Page

3) Follow Me on Twitter

4) Become a fan or friend on Goodreads

*No worries if you already do the last three (thank you!!) or don’t have a Twitter/Facebook/Goodreads account, just say so, and then share this giveaway for extra entries.


Like Haven on Facebook and follow @Kristi_Cook for one extra entry.

Like Sirenz on Facebook and follow @charbennardo and @Natalie_Zaman for one extra entry.

Like Carrier of the Mark on Facebook and follow @Leigh_Fallon for one extra entry.

Share this giveaway  on Twitter (hashtag #AmalieHolidayGiveaway), Facebook, or your blog for one extra entry each. You will get credit for sharing this giveaway once daily, so if you share once a day for the next 7 days, you get 7 extra entries! The more you share, the greater your chances of winning. Just be sure to use the hashtag or let me know in the comments.


*Please leave links because I will check. No shenanigans please!

41 Comments on Amalie’s Happy Holiday Giveaway!

  1. admin
    December 16, 2011 at 6:13 pm (13 years ago)

    And the winners are … DRUMROLL PLEASE … first place goes to Nicole Mainardi, and second place goes to Erin Baker! Congratulations you two! And thanks to everyone for entering.

    I’ve emailed and tweeted you both, so please respond with your information and I will mail out your prizes tomorrow! Remember, you have 48 hours to respond or I will choose another winner!


  2. admin
    December 16, 2011 at 5:21 pm (13 years ago)

    Thanks everyone for all the fantastic entries! You really made me smile reading what you love about the holidays. Keep spreading that joy. Good luck! My next post will be the winners!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

  3. Starr K @ The Literati Press
    December 15, 2011 at 9:48 pm (13 years ago)

    Hi my favorite part of the season is the snow. I don’t like getting stuck at work in it, but I like it a lot.

    starr.k.griggs (at) gmail (dot ) com.
    I like the facebook page and became a fan on goodreads

  4. Gabriella
    December 15, 2011 at 6:38 pm (13 years ago)

    All this talk of food is making me hungry! Mmm…
    I’ve never actually had a white christmas since its summer this time of year is Australia, but it can be pretty festive, though nothing as much as what you described. So my favourite holiday memory would have to be from when I was younger and all the family would get together at Christmas to have a BBQ and eat and talk and be Merry.

    I don’t have Facebook
    I follow you on Twitter (@Gabelle_M)
    I follow you on Goodreads (Gabriella)

    I follow Krisit Cook, Charlotte Bennardo, Natalie Zaman and Leigh Fallon on Twitter (@Gabelle_M)
    And I tweeted:!/Gabelle_M/status/147445250988851200

    Thank you &
    Happy Holidays!

  5. Amanda G
    December 15, 2011 at 10:52 am (13 years ago)

    Christmas memories…I’d go to my grandparent house in Illinois. They’ve been gone for 20 years. I miss them.

    Following you @agal2tch

    Goodreads – YA Reader

    Extra Entries (PLEASE LEAVE LINKS):

    follow @Kristi_Cook

    follow @charbennardo @Natalie_Zaman

    follow @Leigh_Fallon for one extra entry.

    Tweeted –!/agal2tch/status/147326565620002818

  6. Nat Cleary
    December 15, 2011 at 8:10 am (13 years ago)

    Thanks so much for the chance.

    Shared to facebook

    My favorite part of the holiday season is seeing my 4 boys open their presents. The excitement on their faces and they would be shaking from it.

    “Like” the Bloodspell Page or the Bloodspell Facebook Fan Page both as Natalie Cleary

    Follow Me on Twitter as @natcleary

    Become a fan or friend on Goodreads as nat cleary

    Like Haven on Facebook and follow @Kristi_Cook for one extra entry. Like as Natalie Cleary and on twitter as @natcleary

    Like Sirenz on Facebook and follow @charbennardo and @Natalie_Zaman for one extra entry. Like as Natalie Cleary and Twitter as @natcleary

    Like Carrier of the Mark on Facebook and follow @Leigh_Fallon for one extra entry. Like as Natalie Cleary and Twitter as @natcleary


  7. Valia
    December 14, 2011 at 11:53 pm (13 years ago)

    Well of course I already do all three! 🙂
    I love the way everything changes during the season! People, the world full of snow, just everything!! Thanks for the giveaway!!! Merry Christmas!


  8. Ifrah@Bookster's Cafe
    December 14, 2011 at 12:18 pm (13 years ago)

    My favorite part of the holidays would be that there is no school and I get a lot of time to read books.I love how our family gathers for the holidays and it just feels great !!
    I’ve followed all the 4 steps and have done all the steps for the extra entries.

    Thank you so much for the fantastic give-away!

  9. Aurora m.
    December 14, 2011 at 9:55 am (13 years ago)

    Favorite part of the holiday?
    I love all those cute decorated sugar cookies! Yummo!
    Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway;

    All things done….Twitter @scarletredwill…..Facebook as aurora momcilovich

    “Like” the Bloodspell Page or the Bloodspell Facebook Fan Page

    3) Follow Me on Twitter

    4) Become a fan or friend on Goodreads

    Like Haven on Facebook and follow @Kristi_Cook for one extra entry.

    Like Sirenz on Facebook and follow @charbennardo and @Natalie_Zaman for one extra entry.

    Like Carrier of the Mark on Facebook and follow @Leigh_Fallon for one extra entry.

    Share this giveaway on Twitter

    Share on Facebook Facebook

    Aurora M

  10. savanna
    December 14, 2011 at 9:39 am (13 years ago)

    1. My favorite thing about the holidays is Christmas Eve.

    2. I follow Amalie Howard, Kristi Cook, Natalie zaman, Leigh Fallon, & Charlotte Bennardo!/VampireXlover78

    3. Liked the Bloodspell facebook fan page = Savanna Ucinski

    4. Liked the Haven fan page = Savanna Ucinski

    5. Liked The Carrier of the Mark fan page

    Happy Holidays!

  11. Kelsey Meyers
    December 13, 2011 at 9:53 pm (13 years ago)

    My favorite part of the holidays has to be decorating! I love putting up all the lights and getting a Christmas tree. It’s so much fun and the whole family does it. It has to be some of my favorite memories as a kid 🙂

    I became a fan on Goodreads, name = Kelsey Meyers:

    I followed Amalie Howard, Kristi Cook, Natalie zaman, Leigh Fallon, & Charlotte Bennardo:!/chorusgal1316/following

    Liked the Bloodspell Facebook fan page:!/kelsey.meyers13?sk=info

    Liked the Haven fan page:!/kelsey.meyers13?sk=info

    Liked The Carrier of the Mark fan page:!/kelsey.meyers13?sk=info

    Liked the Sirenz fan page:!/kelsey.meyers13?sk=info

    Happy Holidays!!!

  12. Sarah Kalaitzidis
    December 13, 2011 at 7:12 pm (13 years ago)

    My favorite part of the holidays is spending time with my friends and family. My school takes up so much of my time, to have a long break is much needed. Just to sit there and be with ones I love is what I love on the holiday season.

    I fallowed everyone using these names!

    Twitter name: red_tigergirl2
    Facebook name: Sarah Kalaitzidis

    Twitter link of giveaway:!/red_tigergirl2/status/146727951336095746
    Facebook link:

  13. Jayjay Atanacio
    December 13, 2011 at 7:00 pm (13 years ago)

    Favorite part of the holiday season would be that there’s no classes. I also get to spend my time with the family which is very worth it because it’s always fun spending time with them. I also can’t wait for the festivity… well talk about the food! 🙂

    fallendream03 AT gmail DOT com

    Liked Bloodspell FB Page via

    Twitter follower via!/dliterarybitch

    Goodreads fan:


    Liked Haven via
    Followed Kristi Cook via!/dliterarybitch

    Liked Sirenz via
    Followed Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman via!/dliterarybitch

    Liked Carrier of the Mark via
    Followed Leigh via!/dliterarybitch

    FB Share:

  14. Hiba008
    December 13, 2011 at 2:55 pm (13 years ago)

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!
    I’m from UAE, so I guess Christmas is not celebrated on a scale as large as in your place. So I don’t know much. But I do adore the gorgeous decorations and the Christmas tree!

    I’ve followed all (including extra entries) and liked all pages ( including extra entries) and befriended you on goodreads 🙂
    Facebook: Hiba Ahsan
    Twitter: hiba008
    Goodreads: Hiba Ahsan

  15. Tattoogirlreads
    December 13, 2011 at 11:05 am (13 years ago)

    My favorite part of the holidays is just snuggling up with my husband. We always are somewhere cold for the holidays and he’ll put up with my cold feet so it’s really nice.

    FB: (Michael Byers)
    Twitter: @maiinwonderland

    I liked all three of the extra entry books on FB and anded their authors on twitter.

    Tweet Link:!/MaiinWonderland/status/146606505695772672

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Lena Marsteller
    December 13, 2011 at 10:50 am (13 years ago)
    Follow BloodSpell on Facenook: Lena Marsteller
    Follow your twitter: @LenaMarsteller
    Goodreads fan: Lena Marsteller

    Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite part of christmas is my family and well the presents giving and getting.

  17. Diana
    December 12, 2011 at 5:00 pm (13 years ago)

    Great giveaway!
    My favorite part of Christmastime is the tree with colorful lights in my living room. It makes the whole house feel more magical. And I love to sit on the couch and drink hot chocolate and read a book with the tree twinkling nearby.

  18. Nicole Mainardi
    December 12, 2011 at 4:43 pm (13 years ago)

    1) My favorite part of the Holidays is of course the amazing food, the cold weather, and that I get to see my family. I go to Michigan for Christmas and it’s the one time a year that I get to see them and hang out with my cousins! And presents aren’t too shabby either 😀

    2) “Liked” the Bloodspell Page under Nicole Mainardi

    3) Followed you on Twitter under @nicole_mainardi

    4) Became a fan or friend on Goodreads under Nicole YAlover

    Extra Entries (PLEASE LEAVE LINKS):

    Like Haven on Facebook (Nicole Mainardi) and follow @Kristi_Cook (@nicole_mainardi).

    Like Sirenz on Facebook (Nicole Mainardi) and follow @charbennardo and @Natalie_Zaman (@nicole_mainardi).

    Like Carrier of the Mark on Facebook (Nicole Mainardi) and follow @Leigh_Fallon (@nicole_mainardi).

    Thanks so much for the great giveaway 🙂 nicoleloveskyle2(at)aim(dot)com

  19. Carina Olsen
    December 11, 2011 at 8:12 am (13 years ago)

    Oh, wow. This is such an amazing contest 😀 Thank you so much sweetie. <3
    Hmm, well, I don't really remember much about the holidays (A) But oh. I love all the Christmas food 😀 And the Christmas show's on the TV. And the Christmas tree. I love that.
    I like your facebook page as Carina Olsen. I follow on twitter as @CarinaOlsen. And on goodreads as Carina Olsen 😀 Hih ;p
    +1 Follow Kristi as @CarinaOlsen and like her page as Carina Olsen on facebook 🙂

    Love, Carina ~

  20. Tara
    December 11, 2011 at 12:01 am (13 years ago)

    1) Fav. Christmas memorie is the last one with my pawpaw when I was 12 I can still remember it like it was yesterday.
    2) i like both pages Tara Pennington
    3) Follow as @sadlersfan 4)fan of yours (tara pennington 5) I already follow Leigh and like “carrier of the mark” 6) I like “sirenz and follow natalie Tara Pennington

  21. Kelli Spear
    December 10, 2011 at 11:01 pm (13 years ago)

    1) My favorite part of the holiday season is Christmas and the opening of gifts!

    2) I liked both pages – Kelli Spear

    3) Followed as @ChiKelli1

    4) I’m a fan of yours! (Kelli Spear)

    5) I followed Kristi (!/Kristi_Cook) @ChiKelli1 & liked “Haven”

    I already follow Leigh and liked “Carrier of the Mark”.

    I liked “Sirenz” on FB (Kelli Spear) and followed Natalie as ChiKelli1.

    My email is kspear22[at]gmail[dot]com! 🙂

  22. Kristen
    December 10, 2011 at 9:45 pm (13 years ago)

    1) My favorite part of the holiday season is the presents and get-togethers with my family where we eat and play bingo!

    2) I have “Liked” the Bloodspell Page on Facebook (My FB name is Kristen Michelle)

    3) I am following you on Twitter (My username is @kmichelle_10)

    4) I sent you a friend request on Goodreads (My name is Kris-10)

    Extra Entries:
    I “Liked” Haven on Facebook and followed @Kristi_Cook for one extra entry.

    I “Liked” Sirenz on Facebook and followed @charbennardo and @Natalie_Zaman for one extra entry.

    I “Liked” Carrier of the Mark on Facebook and followed @Leigh_Fallon for one extra entry.

    I tweeted about the giveaway:!/kmichelle_10/status/145680304076636160

    My email address is: kristen10horses[at]yahoo[dot]com

  23. Tess
    December 10, 2011 at 6:44 pm (13 years ago)

    These are great giveaway prizes! My favorite part about Christmas…wow this is a hard one!…umm i really like all the decorations! me and my family get REALLY into it (if you look at my twitpics you can see how ridiculous we are!) I also really like the giving spirit of the Holidays!

    I liked everything on facebook that there was to like…my name is Tess Watson
    I follow everyone that there was to follow…my name is @TessMWatson
    oh and we are also friends on goodreads (if you choose to accept me 🙂 Tess Watson
    ummm is that everything? my email is (noticing a pattern with my usernames yet? lol I like to keep it simple!)

  24. Veronika Briseno (Ronyka7)
    December 10, 2011 at 6:31 pm (13 years ago)

    1) New Years Eve I love that night.
    Veronika Briseno
    flaka.077 at gmail dot com

    2) “Like” the Bloodspell Page or the Bloodspell Facebook Fan Page – Ronyka Briseno

    3) Follow Me on Twitter – @Ronyk7

    4) Become a fan or friend on Goodreads – Ronyka7

    Extra Entries (PLEASE LEAVE LINKS):

    Like Haven on Facebook – Ronyka Briseno
    follow @Kristi_Cook – @Ronyk7

    Like Sirenz on Facebook -Ronyka Briseno
    follow @charbennardo – @Roik7
    follow @Natalie_Zaman – @Ronyk7

    Like Carrier of the Mark on Facebook
    follow @Leigh_Fallon – @Ronyk7

    Tweet –!/Ronyk7/status/145631135291019264
    FB –

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    flaka.077 at gmail dot com

  25. erin
    December 10, 2011 at 4:01 pm (13 years ago)

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway! My favorite part of the holiday season is all the festive lights!
    Like Bloodspell Page: Erin Fyda-Baker
    Follow you on Twitter: iheartmykindle
    Goodreads Fan: Erin Baker
    Extra Entries:
    Like Haven FB: Erin Fyda-Baker
    Follow Kristie: iheartmykindle
    Like Sirenz: Erin Fyda-Baker
    Follow Char and Natalie: iheartmykindle
    Like Carrier of the Mark: Erin Fyda-Baker
    Follow Leigh: iheartmykindle


  26. MaryAnn
    December 10, 2011 at 12:29 pm (13 years ago)

    Great giveaway! Thank you 😀
    My husband works nights, and sleeps during the day, and naps in the evening. My kids are school/daycare and I’m at work, which means we hardly ever spend quality time together. Hence my reason for loving the holidays. We get to spend family time for 2 weeks! It’s the time of year that we all look forward to and spending time together as a family.

    I liked the FB pages under my page: Chapter by Chapter
    I followed the accounts listed: chapterxchapter
    Goodreads: MaryAnn Oprea

    Thank you again!
    Chapter by Chapter

  27. Mandy r
    December 10, 2011 at 11:56 am (13 years ago)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    My favorite part of the holidays is buying gifts for others. I think it’s more fun than receiving them. I also love the FOOD! The baked goods, the potlucks, the mashed potatoes! Lol

    2) “Like” the Bloodspell Page or the Bloodspell Facebook Fan Page – did this!

    3) Follow Me on Twitter @pandalovesyou

    4) Become a fan or friend on Goodreads Did this!

    Like Haven on Facebook and follow @Kristi_Cook for one extra entry. I did this!

    Like Sirenz on Facebook and follow @charbennardo and @Natalie_Zaman for one extra entry. I did this!

  28. CYP @ A Bookalicious Story
    December 10, 2011 at 11:22 am (13 years ago)

    I love that there’s the holidays, and there’ll be the reprieve from all the never-ending heat here in Singapore where we only have 2 seasons. Haha, and I get to read and go out with my family for an entire month and a half. Thanks for the giveaway! It really is great.:)

    Did all for steps already!

    cypsays_hi at hotmail dot com

  29. Jennifer Cepero
    December 10, 2011 at 9:22 am (13 years ago)

    This giveaway is awesome! I love pretty much everything about Christmas, but I guess my favorite would be the decorating of the apt and seeing all the homes around me lit up in beautiful lights and decor on the outside. It shows that not everyone is such a Scrooge about the holidays.
    I have always liked your page on FB and also on Goodreads.

    I also “liked” the other three books on FB for extra entries.
    I left my email in the required thing above but if you need it again, it is:

  30. JenniferK
    December 9, 2011 at 10:54 pm (13 years ago)

    My favorite part about the holidays is Christmas Eve. I actually get to sit down and spend time with my family and watch my daughter’s face when we talk about Santa coming the next day. It is a nice and peaceful time for me.

    I liked the FB pages :jcalvertkaleta
    Follow on Twitter: jcalvert719
    Goodreads Fan: Jennifer K
    I liked Haven page and Kristi Cook on Twitter
    I liked Sirenz and followed @charbennardo and @Natalie_Zaman

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  31. Andie @ The World Behind A Shelf
    December 9, 2011 at 10:06 pm (13 years ago)

    1) My favorite part is Christmas, of course!

    2) Liked as Hannah Curb.

    3) @andietwbas

    4) Already added as friend. Became a fan. Hannah(Andie)

    EXTRA ENTER: Now following Charlotte, Natalie, Leigh & Kristi.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway. LOVE the swag!


  32. Stacey Clifford
    December 9, 2011 at 9:54 pm (13 years ago)

    Thanks for such an awesome giveaway and for making it international. I love everything about Christmas. Putting the tree and decorations up with my little family, counting down the days till Santa comes, seeing my childrens faces when they open their presents and spending time with all out families.

    I’ve “LIKED” all the FB pages under the name Stacey Clifford

    I’ve followed everyone on twitter under the name @vampirechick26

    FB’d the giveaway..!/sassyl7/posts/130030177110343

    Tweeted the giveaway..!/vampirechick26/status/145319244001849344

  33. Dawn Doyle
    December 9, 2011 at 5:41 pm (13 years ago)

    Thank you so much for this giveaway! I think what I love most about Christmas is the kids faces on Christmas morning. Close second is getting together with the whole family, and I have a very large one, for Christmas dinner. It’s a loud, chaotic mess but great fun!
    I liked on facebook: Bloodspell fan page, Haven, Sirenz and Carrier of the Mark. My facebook name is Dawn Doyle.
    I followed on twitter: Amalie, Kristi Cook, Charbennardo, Natalie Zaman and Leigh Fallon. My twitter name is dawnmomoffour
    Became a fan on Goodreads of Amalie. My goodreads name is Dawn or dawnmomoffour.
    I also liked the page at I also share this page on:
    My blog:
    Whew. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
    -Dawn Doyle aka dawnmomoffour


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