Awesome Sales News!!

So by now, I’m sure many of you have heard that Angry Robot Books have gotten rid of their young adult imprint, Strange Chemistry, in an effort to sell their company. Sadly, there were many casualties of that, including my sequel to The Almost Girl, scheduled for publication this very month – November of 2014. Cancelled sequels/trilogies happen frequently in publishing for a variety of reasons, including mergers, acquisitions, or sales such as this one. Needless to say, I was distraught. The Fallen Prince would not have a home. What would become of it?

The Almost Girl

The Almost Girl

My agent and I considered many different avenues, including staying with Angry Robot, but that would only be for The Almost Girl. The Fallen Prince would disappear into the oblivion of lost and abandoned books. We could get the rights back for The Almost Girl, but we both knew that selling a sequel on its own would be a long shot.

The truth is, I didn’t want to give up on The Fallen Prince, or all my awesome readers who were patiently waiting for the sequel. In the end, we decided to pitch the series to one of my other publishers and hope for a miracle.

And the most amazing thing happened …

They said yes.

I am so thrilled (and lucky, and grateful, and honored, and completely delirious) to announce that Sky Pony Press have acquired the rights to The Fallen Prince and will be publishing it as part of their 2016 list!



Here’s the official announcement from Publishers Marketplace:-

Children’s: Young Adult
Indie Next selection author Amalie Howard’s THE FALLEN PRINCE, the sequel to THE ALMOST GIRL, about a girl with Cyborg DNA from a parallel universe who fights to save the fate of her world from a tyrant prince, moving to Julie Matysik at Sky Pony Press, in an exclusive submission, in a two-book deal, by Liza Fleissig at Liza Royce Agency (World).

I couldn’t be happier that this series will have a wonderful new home!! Stay tuned for release dates and amazing (I kid you not — the concept for The Fallen Prince is unbelievably awesome) cover reveals!

And thank you, as always, for your amazing support! I couldn’t do this without you, my super wonderful readers!

4 Comments on Awesome Sales News!!

  1. Jennifer Bardsley
    January 12, 2015 at 12:55 am (10 years ago)

    Hi Amalie! Delete this after you see it. Heads up, you’ve got a typo: “but only that would only be for The Almost Girl.”

    • admin
      January 12, 2015 at 2:47 pm (10 years ago)

      Thanks for looking out!!

      • Katie
        January 12, 2015 at 9:59 pm (10 years ago)

        Hi Amalie! I was wondering when The Fallen Prince is coming out since I really want to know what Riven does when she trys to hunt for her father.

      • admin
        January 13, 2015 at 12:46 pm (10 years ago)

        Hi Katie!

        The Fallen Prince will be out early next year! As soon as I have the date from my publisher, I will spread the word. I am soooooo excited about this book. There are a lot of exciting new twists that I hope everyone will enjoy. And boy, does Riven meet up with her father!! =)


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