And blue is the new black! Reserve your copy now and get it to your living room – Avatar comes to Blu-ray and DVD on April 22, 2010. Forget the Oscars or the Golden Globes, on this site, Avatar was best picture for 2009 (and maybe a tiny part of 2010), and the highest grossing […]
So this morning I shook my head in amazement at the article in the NY Times: You Saw What in ‘Avatar’? Pass Those Glasses! Wow, activists have to find anything these days to protest, don’t they? Or as the author in this article says, many groups have just jumped onto the bandwagon to “project their […]
Seeds of the Sacred Tree – very pure spirits, seeds of the sacred tree of Ewya. Central to the Na’vi’s spiritual beliefs. Ewya connects the entire biological ecosystem of Pandora. Great Leonopteryx (Toruk or last shadow) – similar to the Mountain Banshee although far larger and striped with red, yellow and black markings, with large […]