*Spoilers Ahoy* I bought if i stay at a bookstore, drawn by the USA Today blurb on the cover that fans of Twilight will enjoy it. After reading this novel, I can’t say that I agree with that statement because this book is not really a book like Twilight. Yes, it is a book about death […]
Ok, so it’s been back for a few weeks but if you’ve been following my blogging, you would know that I have been in Europe where True Blood is barely in its infancy, conception stages even. Either way, I very smartly DVR’d True Blood while I was away and am now about to embark on […]
Ok, so maybe Blade Trinity wasn’t one of the best, but seriously you have to love Ryan Reynolds and his dry, witty comments, “I picked Danica up in a bar, and spent the next five years playing hide-and-go-suck as her little vampire cabana boy.” He cracks me up everytime, not to mention his interaction with […]
New Moon drops tomorrow, Friday November 20th! Check out my friend Brad Blanks’ (celebrity journalist extraordinaire) interview with every teen girl’s fantasy, Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen and his human love muffin, Kristin Stewart aka Bella Swan. Brad Blanks interview with Robert Pattinson. Surprise, surprise, he interviews way better than he acts! Brad Blanks interview […]
“About three things I was absolutely certain. First, Edwart was most likely my soul mate, maybe. Second, there was a vampire part of him–which I assumed was wildly out of his control–that wanted me dead. And third, I unconditionally, irrevocably, impenetrably, heterogeneously, gynecologically, and disreputably wished he had kissed me.” Ok I have seriously got […]
Holy cow! This is literally the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. Poking a little fun at True Blood‘s version of vampire sex, Twilight‘s ice-cold vampire bodies, and the towering mass of unruly “vampire-kind” hair made popular by Robert Pattinson….what’s not to love?! Ingenious! Intercourse With A Vampire, Episode 1 Atom.com: Funny […]