Welcome to the Winter 2012 YA Scavenger Hunt!

Welcome to the super-tastic YA Scavenger Hunt! For those new to the rodeo, this tri-annual event was first organized by the fabulous Colleen Houck as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to bonus material from their favorite authors … and a chance to win some awesome prizes!

If you came here looking for my bonus material, my fav steamy scene from Bloodcraft (Bloodspell 2), you’ll have to keep hunting! But I’ll give you a hint … the talented author hosting my bonus material lives in the city of love and light (and the setting of Book 2). Wink, wink.

Back to business. At this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize–one lucky winner will receive one signed book from each author on the hunt in my team! But play fast: this contest (and all the bonus material) will only be online for 72 hours — until noon PST on Sunday December 2nd!

Check out the YA Scavenger Hunt page to find out all about the hunt. There are TWO contests going on simultaneously, and you can enter one or all! I am a part of the BLUE TEAM–but there is also a red team for a chance to win a whole different set of twenty-five signed books!

If you’d like to find out more about the hunt, see links to all the authors participating, and see the full list of prizes up for grabs, go to the YA Scavenger Hunt homepage.


Directions: Below in my post, you’ll notice that I’ve hidden my favorite number in blue somewhere. Collect the favorite numbers of all the authors on the blue team, and then add them up.

Entry Form: Once you’ve added up all the numbers, make sure you fill out the form here to officially qualify for the grand prize. Only entries that have the correct number will qualify.

Rules: Open internationally, anyone below the age of 18 should have a parent or guardian’s permission to enter. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the completed entry form by December 2nd, at noon Pacific Time. Entries sent without the correct number or without contact information will not be considered.


So for those of you who don’t know me, I’m the author of Bloodspell, a novel that dabbles in magic and blood and dark romance. I’m particularly proud to say that Bloodspell was chosen as a Seventeen Magazine Summer Read. Anyhoo, enough about me. I’m super excited to introduce you to the author I’m hosting for the Winter Scavenger Hunt! DRUMROLL PLEASE!!

Today, I am thrilled to be hosting the awesome ANNA COLLOMORE for this leg of the YA Scavenger Hunt! I’m incredibly jealous that Anna lives in Paris … I used to live there (sigh). It’s still one of my most favorite cities in the world. I lived there for 13 years. Ok fine, four. But it felt like thirteen. Anyway, moving past my envy, let’s focus on ANNA!!

About Anna:
Anna Collomore–a devotee of dairy products, small mammals, and thrift stores–is an author and a former book editor from New York City. Now she lives, writes, and au pairs in Paris.

Anna’s novel is called THE RUINING. Check it out below!

Annie Phillips is thrilled to leave her past behind and begin a shiny new life on Belvedere Island, as a nanny for the picture-perfect Cohen family. Life is better than she ever imagined. She even finds romance with the boy next door. But all too soon, cracks appear in Annie’s seemingly perfect world. She’s blamed for mistakes she doesn’t remember making. Her bedroom door comes unhinged, and she feels like she’s always being watched. As she struggles to keep up with the demands of her new life, Annie’s fear gives way to frightening hallucinations. Is she tumbling into madness, or is something sinister at play?

Holy crow! Did you guys get goosebumps reading that? I sure did! And how dramatic is this cover? I, for one, cannot wait until this book comes out. February 7, 2013, people. Mark your calendars. In the meantime, find out more information by checking out Anna’s website or find more about getting your very own copy of THE RUINING here!

And now for the moment you all have been waiting for … Anna’s BONUS CONTENT!! Well, seek no more. ENJOY!


~ END OF HUNT ~ Exclusive content removed. Please click the links above for more info on Anna.


WHOA! Wasn’t that fabulous? And it’s not even the “real” ending! I know which book is going on my wishlist – I need to know more about Annie and Owen!

Don’t forget to enter the contest for a chance to win a ton of signed books by me, Anna Collomore, and more! To enter, you need to know that my favorite number is hidden somewhere in this post (hint: scroll up a couple paragraphs, it’s in blue). Add up all the favorite numbers of the authors on the blue team and you’ll have all the secret code to enter for the grand prize! Also keep in mind that most of the authors are doing their own giveaways so there are many chances to win something unique and special.

Thank you so much for visiting my website! While you’re here with me, be sure to enter the personal contest I’m hosting below. Up for grabs (international) is a prize pack including an autographed copy of BLOODSPELL, ARCs of ALTERED by Jennifer Rush, MONSTROUS BEAUTY by Elizabeth Fama, and TIGER LILY by Jodi Lynn Anderson, a Bloodspell triquetra charm, a leather bracelet and any other swag I can stick in the box.


If you’re ready to move on to the next author on the hunt, click HERE to head over to Heather Anastasiu‘s website.

Good luck and have fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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107 Comments on Welcome to the Winter 2012 YA Scavenger Hunt!

  1. Christina
    December 2, 2012 at 3:06 pm (12 years ago)

    Hmmm, I feel very put on the spot, haha. Um, I guess I’ll go with a standard Katy from The Lux series by JLA, simply because she gets to attach her lips to Daemon Black.

    Thanks for participating in the WINTER YASH and for hosting this additional giveaway!

  2. Kimberley@sunnykimmylovinglife
    December 2, 2012 at 2:33 pm (12 years ago)

    I would love to be Elena Michaels from the Women of the Otherworld series because I think it would be interesting to experience being a werewolf, and a strong and amazing one at that. I could also say that I’d like tobe Kaylee from the Soul Screamers series so I coulld meet the awesome Tod and even Emma and Sabine, or Wendy from the Trylle trilogy so I could meeet the charming, sexy and funny Loki, but I honestly wouldn’t want to be these characters, so Elena Michaels it is :).

  3. Calla
    December 2, 2012 at 2:22 pm (12 years ago)

    I think I would want to be Deryn Sharp from the Leviathan Triology because she gets to fly on a living airship, I mean who wouldn’t want to do that!!

  4. Samantha T.
    December 2, 2012 at 1:36 pm (12 years ago)

    Hmm…If I could be any character from a book I think I’d be Kat from the Lux series. She has some kick ass abilities and Daemon. Need I say more? Daemon is just so swoon worthy. Yum!

  5. Ellen Trieu
    December 2, 2012 at 1:32 pm (12 years ago)

    Hi! Wow that’s a really tough question because I normally don’t think ‘wow, I wished I was so and so from this book.’ That’s what the characters are there for..hehe. But I would love to either be Meghan from The Iron Fey Series, because I would love to visit the Nevernever, either that or Cat from The Night Huntress Series because she’s bad ass and plus I would love to experience me some Bones (; <3

  6. Rachel
    December 2, 2012 at 12:38 pm (12 years ago)

    I’d be Hermione Granger! I think it would be awesome to go to Hogwarts and have so many adventures! And she is really smart and just overall an awesome character

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