And blue is the new black! Reserve your copy now and get it to your living room – Avatar comes to Blu-ray and DVD on April 22, 2010. Forget the Oscars or the Golden Globes, on this site, Avatar was best picture for 2009 (and maybe a tiny part of 2010), and the highest grossing […]
I’ve talked enough about Zoe Saldana’s fabulous acting skills in this movie, but I think it will help to put a face to the name, or in this case, a face to the Na’vi. You would probably know her best from her recent role in Star Trek as Lt. Uhura. Sigourney Weaver’s Na’vi avatar was […]
So I went to see Avatar again, and yes, totally in IMAX. Read my initial review here. I was not disappointed a second time. I did find myself wishing certain sequences would move more quickly so I could get to my the parts I loved, but overall, the impact was near the same. Gorgeous visuals […]
omg. OMG. What a fantastic film! I just saw AVATAR in 3D IMAX resulting in complete sensory overload! I don’t even know where to start on this review. All I know is that I can unequivocally say that AVATAR was the best movie I have ever seen. And I have seen a lot of movies. […]