NaNoWriMo is Baaaack!
Some writer I am, right? Not even remembering that this is National Novel Writing Month, i.e., thirty days and nights of literary abandon! Last year, if you can remember back that far, I made it to 30-something thousand words, but the good thing is that I actually got a completed novel out of that story, so although I didn’t technically “finish” NaNoWriMo, it was still a win for me. Thank you for the focus, NaNoWriMo! This year, I am seventeen days late to the punch (boo me!) but I am actually in the process of writing my third novel so I’m just going to keep going from there. My goal is to get in 4000 words a day at least for the remaining days of NaNoWriMo, which should put me to 52,000 words, on top of the 27,061 that I already have. Big goal, I know, but I’d rather aim high than low. Stay tuned! Hopefully I will make it and not get derailed by turkey and sweet potato pie and drool, drool, drool………