NaNoWriMo is Baaaack!

Some writer I am, right? Not even remembering that this is National Novel Writing Month, i.e., thirty days and nights of literary abandon! Last year, if you can remember back that far, I made it to 30-something thousand words, but the good thing is that I actually got a completed novel out of that story, […]

The Vampire Diaries – Rose

This is going to be part rant, part rave instead of an actual episode review of the Vampire Diaries, so consider yourself prepared. Seriously. Let me begin by asking what are the two cardinal rules of killing a vampire? Staking. Check. Beheading. Check. And shouldn’t a vampire already know this? Especially if said vampire is […]

Vampire Diaries – Masquerade

“You’re not going to kill her…because I am.” Them be some big, bold words Stefan! But then, the promise of regaining the love of his life once Elena is out of the picture is a pretty big incentive. Without Elena’s knowledge and enlisting the help of Alaric, Jeremy, Caroline, and Bonnie, Stefan and Damon’s grand […]

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