Holy crow, True Blood! Blood, guts, gore, and more. Way to wake Tara up! I think I am now a little afraid of her badassness – biting Franklin in the neck and then bludgeoning his skull to flatness with a grisly-looking spiky hammer! Outstanding! Although I do have to say that I don’t think Franklin […]
Finally! True Blood is hitting a stride! Tara gets out of stupid mode and is actually funny in this episode. Loved her OMG faces when she’s talking to the obviously psychotic Franklin. He is hilarious when he does the “how-fast-can-I-text” thing. What a tool. Hopefully Tara is wily enough to wrap him around her little […]
So the last episode of True Blood entitled Crimes was pretty decent. LOVED the dream that Eric had about Sookie, but loved even more the look that was on his face when he woke up. Classic. Normally it’s about humans dreaming about vampires not the other way around! He was completely shaken! Definitely got my […]
These last two episodes of True Blood felt more like plot movers than anything especially with the Eric/Godric flashbacks and the Bill/Lorena flashbacks, although there were a couple exciting moments in both episodes. I forgot to mention Sam’s search for his family in my last post but that’s because it just wasn’t as interesting as […]
Ok, so it’s been back for a few weeks but if you’ve been following my blogging, you would know that I have been in Europe where True Blood is barely in its infancy, conception stages even. Either way, I very smartly DVR’d True Blood while I was away and am now about to embark on […]
Ok fine, it’s really just Eric. I tried to watch Dexter last Sunday and it had promise, but it’s really not a “true” True Blood replacement. On that note, even though the season’s done, I’m glad to see that the fans on HBO’s True Blood site are still going strong. So if you want to […]